Anak Malaysia but not treated as One
There are many things we need to be discussed and resolved professionally and with open mind. Talking about religion is a very sensitive topic, so does the races. One thing we should know is Change for the betterment of Malaysian. Encik Anwar Ibrahim was the politician who I wanted to vote for the next PM that time. I could see that he could make a change to Malaysia, the country I still called Home. I always get angry when talk about Malaysia NEP and the rest of the dinosaur years policies. Those were laid at that time and for that period of time. Now is the time to have new policies, make a change. I am Anak Malaysia, but I am not treated as One cos I am a Chinese. How come??? I was borned as Malaysian, why I could not get into local University with my good grade, why I could not get 7% discount for purchasing a new house, why I could not leave work early during Fasting month, why I could not apply for any jobs which I was qualified, why I could not invest in certain banks, on and on. Lets make a change and I will definitely come back home. If not, I am ready to let go my citizenship and migrating to other countries where I am most welcome. I would like to remind all viewers, definitely there is a race discrimination in every country. However, some countries have a race discrimination act to protect the citizen. What about Malaysia??? We need Change, PM!
At 9:32 AM ,
Unknown said...
I am 100% agree with you. 26% population have to work hard to support 100% of the population, this is totally slavery, moreover they get all the good stuff
At 11:42 PM ,
Chef Chong said...
I am so happy for you to be a UK citizen, my friend.
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